Friday, June 16, 2017

O' No! Canada (Part 2)

Socialist Justin Trudeau is now the Prime Minister of Canada and running the Canadian Government.  Services make up 68% of its economy.  Canada is heavily depended on natural resources:  petroleum / oil accounts for nearly a whopping 25% of its economy. The auto industry makes up for 10%.  Interestingly enough, gold makes up 3% of its economy.  When one mixes Socialists policies with falling oil and natural resource prices, and a sagging auto industry, that does not make for a good mix for an economy to prosper. 

As I mentioned in a post several years ago, the Canadian economy was booming due to high oil prices and a recovering auto industry.  The leader, Stephen Harper, was the Prime Minister from Alberta and very friendly towards businesses, especially the oil industry as his home province is a hotbed for the oil industry.  Since then oil has fallen, the markets have reacted, and the people have voted for a new regime that has far opposite and leftist policies than that of Harper's party.